The first step in creating new habits is to identify a reason for starting the habits. For example, it might be important for you to start drinking more water because it can help flush toxins from your body, or to develop a habit of waking up early because you have time to work out or study before work. However, this process can be complicated and frustrating if you don’t know where the habit should begin and what triggers it.
Know your Habit Development Cycle
One of the most important things to remember about developing new habits is that it’s not a straight line. Some habits are developed quickly, some slowly, and others do not develop at all. Take your time and don’t be discouraged if you aren’t forming good habits as quickly as you would like.
Approach Your New Habit as a Skill
It’s important to approach your new habit as a skill. Begin by imagining what it will be like when the habit becomes a part of your life. Picture yourself having fun, relaxing, and accomplishing something that you never thought was possible before – this is your start. Then take the first step: Set up habits with an easier and more realistic goal in mind. For example, if you want to develop an exercise habit to lose weight, set up a goal to walk around your house for 10 minutes one day a week and build up from there.
Build Consistency and Commitment with Your New Habit
The key to building a new habit is consistency and commitment. For example, if you want to work out every day for two weeks, then start with one day a week and work your way up from there. As long as you are consistent with your new habit it will be easier to stick to it over time.
Don’t Overcommit Be Realistic
Here are a few tips for setting goals for yourself and sticking to them:
-Set your goal in measurable steps. For example, if you want to lose weight, set a short-term goal of walking 10 miles per week and medium term goal of losing 50 pounds over the next six months.
-Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a given time frame. If you want to eat healthier, get more sleep, or start exercising more, set achievable goals that don’t feel overwhelming.
-Are your chances good enough at achieving your goal? If not, figure out how to overcome the obstacles.
Consider the Pros and Cons of Habits
Habits can be good or bad, but in the end they aren’t very hard to make. For example, if you want to develop a new habit that will help you become more productive and less stressed at work, consider the pros and cons of this plan. On one hand, you’ll have more time for yourself when it’s time to relax as well as better health because you will have a healthier diet. On the other hand, you’ll no longer be able to enjoy certain habits that are important to your life such as drinking alcohol or going out on weekends with your friends.
Figure Out a Reward System for Your New Habit
There are a lot of reasons to develop new habits. Some people have a hard time maintaining the same routine because they get bored too easily and want to change it every day. Some people work better in spurts, but they’re not sure how to keep a habit going for long periods of time. There are a few ways to make it easier, and one is by figuring out an easy reward system that you can use after completing the habit once. One example is using your phone to take a selfie, post it on social media, or text your friends about something funny or interesting that happened while you were completing it.
This article provides a detailed process for developing new habits. The article walks you through the steps to create a plan, set achievable goals, and track whether you are meeting your goals.